Thursday, March 7, 2019

Young people are "feverish" with straws from natural materials

The movement to encourage the use of substitutes for disposable plastic products such as bamboo straws, coconut wood spoons, shopping bags, lunch boxes ... is being enjoyed by many young people. In particular, using straws from natural materials is becoming a trend of youth.

Many cafes and restaurants in Hanoi change their style by using bamboo straw, natural materials for visitors. Many young people also bring new style of straws to become the criterion when choosing a restaurant.

Ha Phuong (Thuy Loi University) shared: "I want to contribute to protecting the environment and being safe for my health, so I joined this movement immediately, now I only look for a shop that has a new bamboo straw".

And Nguyen Nga (University of Law) said: "I bought bamboo straws for my house use. About 100 thousand VND was 10 tubes, including hygienic palm trees with coconut fiber. The use was very good and durable. I think I should change my mind from the smallest habits. "

According to experts, plastic waste not only seriously affects the life of marine species but also poses a danger to human health. Micro plastic beads were found in 83% of tap water samples, and in 93% of bottled water samples.

"Regular exposure to disposable plastic chemicals (such as BPA and styrene) creates the risk of diseases such as cancer, hepatitis, allergies, nervous system disorders, endocrine disorders and infertility. When using plastic straws with hot items, soft plastic stagnant, penetrating into the body will cause negative reactions "- an analyst.

ICHANGE Plastics campaign with the slogan "I change for a Vietnam without plastic garbage", is the first campaign in the iCHANGE project series, to communicate public awareness about the harmful effects of plastic waste to life and environment, thereby building a community of Vietnamese people to act together to limit the use and gradual elimination of disposable plastic products such as plastic bags, straws, foam boxes, plastic utensils , bottled water…

ICHANGE Plastics campaign offers a wide range of mass media campaigns on social networks; build an iCHANGE community of environmental lovers and a commitment to action and spread to limit plastic waste; launched "21-day challenge without plastic waste"; encourage schools, agencies and hotels ... to become "plastic-free paradises".


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